10 Website Hacks and How to Prevent Them


Are you aware of how vulnerable your website might be right now?

Every 39 seconds, a new cyber attack occurs, with hackers wreaking havoc on thousands of sites every day.

Imagine waking up one morning to find your website defaced, your data stolen, or worseā€”your users’ sensitive information compromised. Scary, right?

Youā€™re not alone in this. Many website owners believe they’re safe, thinking they wonā€™t be targeted. But the reality is, cyber threats are becoming more frequent and sophisticated. Every site, regardless of how big or small, is at risk. It’s not just about having a strong password anymore. The stakes are higher, and the potential damage to your reputation and trustworthiness is immense.

So, how do you protect yourself against these relentless attackers? The solution lies in understanding the various types of website hacks and knowing how to defend against them. Letā€™s dive into the 10 most common attacks and arm you with the knowledge to keep your site safe and secure. Trust us, youā€™ll want to read thisā€”your digital future depends on it.

TL;DR: Website hacks are alarmingly prevalent and affect thousands of sites daily. From brute force attacks to zero-day exploits, no website is immune to these sophisticated threats. Use security tools like MalCare to protect your website with its comprehensive security features. Look for tools that offer top-notch malware scanning, firewalls, and cleaners.

1. Brute-force attacks

Brute-force attacks involve attackers repeatedly trying different combinations of usernames and passwords until they find the correct one. Think of it like a burglar trying to open a lock with every key they can find under the doormat.

Cybercriminals often use automated tools like bots that can try thousands of combinations in the blink of an eye. Imagine having a hyperactive octopus trying all the keys on your keyring at once. If your passwords are weak, these attacks can be devastatingly effective.

In 2020, Wordfence reported blocking over 90 billion malicious login attemptsā€”that’s an astonishing number, highlighting the sheer volume of attacks websites face daily.

What are the symptoms of brute-force attacks?

Common signs of a brute-force attack include:

  • Unusual spike in login attempts
  • Multiple failed login notifications
  • Increased server load
  • Unexpected user lockouts

How to protect your website from brute-force attacks?

To protect your website from brute-force attacks, consider the following steps:

  1. Use strong passwords: Make your passwords long, complex, and unique. Avoid common words and patterns.
  2. Limit login attempts: Restrict the number of login attempts a user can make. Plugins like Limit Login Attempts Reloaded can help.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security by enabling 2FA. Even if an attacker gets your password right, they’ll still need the second factor.
  4. Use CAPTCHA: Add CAPTCHA to your login page to make it harder for bots to flood you with login attempts.

2. SQL injection

SQL injection occurs when an attacker inserts malicious SQL code into form entry fields on your website that arenā€™t properly secured. Picture filling out an online form, but instead of just entering your name and email, someone sneaks in a command that messes with the database.

The goal? Manipulate the database, gain unauthorized access to data, or delete important information. It’s like giving a voice command to your smart assistant to order a pizza, but someone else cleverly tells it to delete all your photos instead.

According to a 2023 report by Gartner, SQL injection attacks comprise about 60% of all web application attacks. Itā€™s as if 6 out of every 10 knocks on your door are from someone trying to sneak in!

What are the symptoms of SQL injection attacks?

Signs that your website might be suffering from an SQL injection include:

  • Strange or unexpected behavior in your database
  • Sudden spikes in traffic or database activity
  • Unauthorized changes to data entries
  • Unexplained loss of data

How to protect your website from SQL injection attacks?

To safeguard your website from SQL injection attacks, consider these measures:

  1. Implement web application firewalls (WAF): A WAF can filter and block SQL injection attempts before they hit your database.
  2. Regularly update and patch: Keep your software, frameworks, and plugins updated to minimize vulnerabilities.
  3. Limit database privileges: Give the least amount of access necessary to the database. For instance, if a user only needs to read data, donā€™t give them permission to write or delete.

If you are a website developer, you can additionally do the following:

  1. Use prepared statements: Prepared statements ensure SQL code and data are sent separately, making it harder for attackers to inject malicious code.
  2. Sanitize user inputs: Always validate and sanitize data coming from user inputs. Tools and libraries can help clean up input data before it reaches the database.

3. XSS (cross-site scripting)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) happens when an attacker injects malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. Imagine visiting a website, and without knowing, a hidden script starts stealing your login credentials or session cookies. It’s as if youā€™re reading a newspaper and someone sneaks in false information that tricks you. These scripts can steal user data or manipulate the content that users see.

For instance, in 2018, the British Airways website suffered an XSS attack where attackers managed to steal payment information like customer names, payment card numbers, etc. from around 380,000 transactions. Yikes!

What are the symptoms of XSS attacks?

Signs that your website might be under an XSS attack include:

  • Unexpected pop-up messages on web pages
  • Altered page content that you didn’t change
  • Users reporting strange behavior when interacting with the site
  • Sudden drops in user trust and engagement

How to protect your site from XSS attacks?

To protect your site from XSS attacks, hereā€™s what you can do:

  1. Use Content Security Policy (CSP): CSP can control the resources a user agent is allowed to load for a given page and prevent malicious scripts from executing.
  2. Ensure regular security audits: Regularly audit your code and systems for vulnerabilities. Use automated tools that can help identify and mitigate potential XSS risks.

Website developers can also do the following:

  1. Sanitize user inputs: Always validate and clean data coming from user inputs. Use libraries and frameworks that help sanitize input data.
  2. Escape data before rendering: Escaping data means converting characters like `<` and `>` to prevent them from being interpreted as HTML tags.
  3. Implement HTTP-only cookies: Mark cookies as HTTP-only to make them inaccessible via JavaScript, reducing the risk of stealing via scripts.

4. CSRF (cross-site request forgery)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is when hackers trick users into performing actions they didnā€™t intend by exploiting their authenticated session with a site.

Imagine being logged into your online banking site and then visiting a malicious webpage. That page could secretly send a request to transfer funds from your account, all without your knowledge. Itā€™s like writing a secret message on a piece of paper and slipping it into a stack of mail your friend already plans to send. Sneaky, right?

In 2015, Reddit experienced a CSRF vulnerability that allowed attackers to trick users into upvoting or downvoting specific posts and comments merely by visiting a malicious webpage.

What are the symptoms of CSRF attacks?

Common signs of CSRF attacks include:

  • Unusual activity or transactions performed by users
  • Complaints from users about actions they did not perform
  • Unauthorized changes to user settings or data
  • Suspicious activity logs showing actions that do not match user behavior

How to protect your site from CSRF attacks?

To safeguard your site from CSRF attacks, consider these steps:

  1. Implement SameSite cookies: Use the SameSite attribute for cookies to allow them to be sent only to the same site, reducing the risk of them being used by malicious sites.
  2. Prompt user confirmation: For sensitive actions like fund transfers, ask for user confirmation (e.g., re-entering passwords) before proceeding.
  3. Perform regular security audits: Perform regular audits and use automated tools to check for CSRF vulnerabilities.

If you are a website developer, you can also:

  • Use anti-CSRF tokens: Implement unique tokens for each user session. These tokens are checked for validity before processing sensitive requests.
  • Check referer headers: Verify the origin of the request by checking the Referer header. If it doesnā€™t match your site, reject the request.

5. DoS (denial of service)

A denial of service (DoS) attack occurs when attackers aim to overwhelm your server with excessive traffic, making your website unavailable to legitimate users. Picture a highway suddenly getting flooded with thousands of extra cars during rush hour, causing a massive traffic jam and preventing the usual commuters on that route from reaching their destinations. Attackers flood the server with requests, consuming all its resources and eventually causing it to shut down.

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) is an advanced version where multiple systems are used to amplify the attack, making it even harder to fend off.

In 2016, the popular security blog KrebsOnSecurity experienced a DDoS attack that peaked at over 620 Gbps of traffic, making it one of the largest attacks at the time. The attack was so severe that it forced the blog’s hosting provider to temporarily suspend service.

Hacker DDoS Attack

What are the symptoms of DoS/DDoS attacks?

Signs that your website might be under a DoS or DDoS attack include:

  • Sudden and unexpected surge in traffic
  • Slow loading times or complete unavailability of the site
  • Frequent server crashes
  • Unrecognized or suspicious IP addresses in your server logs
  • Alerts from your hosting provider about unusual traffic patterns

How to protect your site from DoS/DDoS attacks?

To safeguard your site from DoS and DDoS attacks, consider these steps:

  • Choose a secure hosting provider: Many hosting providers offer DDoS protection services. Consider this factor, among others, when selecting a host for your site.
  • Implement traffic filtering: Use firewalls and intrusion detection systems to filter and block incoming malicious traffic.
  • Leverage content delivery networks (CDNs): CDNs can help distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers. This not only reduces the load on your main server but also ensures that the site can be served even when a DDoS attack takes down one server.Ā 
  • Enable rate limiting: Limit the number of requests a single IP can make to your server within a short period of time. A good firewall will implement this automatically, or provide the option to enable it.
  • Use load balancers: Load balancers can help distribute traffic evenly across multiple servers, making it harder for attackers to overwhelm any single server. Load balancing is something a web host generally takes care of, so speak to their support to see how they implement it.Ā 
  • Monitor traffic: Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on traffic patterns and quickly respond to suspicious activity.

6. MitM (Man-in-the-Middle)

A Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack occurs when an attacker intercepts communication between two parties. Think of it as someone secretly listening to your phone conversation, jotting down all the juicy details, and even whispering their own messages to mess things up.

The parties involved can be two devices or a device connected to the internet. Attackers can eavesdrop, alter data, or steal sensitive information during these intercepted communications. 

In 2019, a Man-in-the-Middle attack on the email provider ProtonMail was used to intercept and alter the communication of users, leading to unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

What are the symptoms of MitM attacks?

Signs that your communication might be compromised by a MitM attack include:

  • Unexpected delays or interruptions in network connections
  • Suspicious, unauthorized transactions or changes to accounts
  • Sudden increases in data traffic without a clear source
  • Warnings from your browser about untrusted SSL/TLS certificates

How to protect your site from MitM attacks?

To protect your site and its users from MitM attacks, consider these steps:

  1. Use strong encryption: Implement SSL/TLS to encrypt data transmitted between your server and usersā€™ devices. Also, encourage your users to always look for HTTPS in the URL.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security for user logins, making it harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access.
  3. Verify public keys: Use HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) to ensure your users’ browsers only trust your siteā€™s valid public key. The feature will often be bundled with SSL certificates, so check with your registrar or your host.Ā 
  4. Ensure secure Wi-Fi connections: Encourage users to avoid public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions or use a VPN if they must.
  5. Regularly update software: Keep all your software, including browsers and operating systems, updated to patch known vulnerabilities.
  6. Monitor and audit traffic with a WAF: Use intrusion detection systems to monitor traffic and quickly identify any suspicious activity.

7. Malware infections

Malware attacks involve malicious software being installed on a website. Imagine finding an unwanted guest in your home whoā€™s not just snooping around but also damaging your property and planting traps for future visitors. These attacks can steal data, deface the site, or even spread the malware to unsuspecting visitors who come to your site. Itā€™s like opening a seemingly harmless email attachment that turns out to be a virus, wreaking havoc on your computer and any devices it connects with.

For instance, in 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack affected hundreds of thousands of websites and systems worldwide. The malware not only encrypted data but also spread rapidly, demanding a ransom for the decryption key.

Over 17% of all hacked sites suffer from website blacklisting by the search engines

What are the symptoms of malware infections?

Signs that your website might be infected with malware include:

  • Unexpected changes to your website content
  • Website flagged as unsafe or blacklisted by search engines
  • Decreased site performance or frequent crashes
  • Unexpected pop-ups or redirects to malicious websites
  • Complaints from users about security warnings or compromised data

How to protect your site from malware infections?

To safeguard your website from malware attacks, consider these steps:

  1. Regularly update software: Keep your CMS, plugins, and all site software updated to patch security vulnerabilities.
  2. Use strong security plugins: Employ reputable security plugins like MalCare that can scan, detect, and remove malware from your site.
  3. Backup your site regularly: Maintain regular backups so you can quickly restore your site if it gets compromised. This is especially critical in case of a ransomware attack because there is no other way to retrieve your data.Ā 
  4. Employ web application firewalls (WAF): A WAF can block malicious requests and prevent malware from reaching your site.
  5. Sanitize input fields: Ensure that user inputs are properly sanitized to prevent the injection of malicious code.
  6. Educate your team: Make sure everyone involved with your site knows about phishing scams and the importance of not opening suspicious emails or downloading untrusted files.

8. Backdoor attacks

Backdoor attacks occur when attackers insert hidden pathways into a website, allowing them to bypass normal authentication and gain unauthorized access. It’s like someone sneaking a secret key to your house under the doormat, letting them come and go as they please, unnoticed.

These attacks often exploit vulnerable plugins and themes, leaving your site susceptible. Once in, attackers can steal data, further compromise the site, or even use it as a launchpad for additional attacks. Imagine a burglar who not only steals from your home but also sets traps for anyone entering afterward.

In 2020, a backdoor was discovered in several plugins like Duplicator and ProfilePress, affecting millions of websites. Attackers exploited these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access and plant additional malicious payloads.

What are the symptoms of backdoor attacks?

Signs that your website might be compromised by a backdoor include:

  • Unexplained changes in your files or database
  • Unknown files or scripts in your siteā€™s directories
  • Increased server load and unusual traffic patterns
  • Frequent malware infections
  • User accounts behaving suspiciously or being compromised

How to protect your site from backdoor attacks?

To safeguard your site from backdoor attacks, consider these steps:

  1. Regularly update software: Keep your CMS, plugins, and themes updated to patch security vulnerabilities.
  2. Use security plugins: Employ reputable security plugins that can scan for and remove backdoors.
  3. Harden file permissions: Limit write permissions to essential files and folders, reducing the chances of malicious code being injected.
  4. Monitor for changes: Use tools that monitor file integrity and alert you to unauthorized changes in files or directories.
  5. Conduct regular security audits: Regularly audit your siteā€™s code and configurations for potential vulnerabilities.
  6. Remove unused plugins and themes: Deactivate and remove any plugins, themes, or components that are not in use, as they can be potential entry points for attackers.

9. Social engineering

Social engineering involves manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security. It’s like a con artist sweet-talking their way into getting your personal details.

Instead of exploiting software flaws, attackers exploit human psychology. They often pose as trusted entitiesā€”like a bank representative, a colleague, or a tech support agentā€”to trick you into sharing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other personal details.Ā 

In 2013, Target experienced a significant data breach after attackers used social engineering techniques to trick a third-party HVAC vendor into providing network credentials. This breach led to the theft of 40 million credit and debit card records and the personal information of up to 70 million customers.

What are the signs of social engineering?

Signs that you or your organization might be targeted by social engineering include:

  • Unexpected requests for sensitive information via email, phone, or text
  • Unusual urgency or pressure to act quickly in communications
  • Emails or messages from known contacts that seem out of character
  • Presence of phishing emails containing links or attachments
  • Reports of unauthorized access or changes to accounts

How to protect your site from social engineering attacks?

To protect yourself and your organization from social engineering attacks, consider these steps:

  • Educate employees: Regularly train and educate employees on how to recognize and respond to social engineering attempts.
  • Verify requests: Always verify the identity of those requesting sensitive information. Use a secondary method, like a phone call, to confirm.
  • Use multi-factor authentication (MFA): Implement MFA to add an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain access even if they obtain login credentials.
  • Employ email filters: Set up robust email filtering to catch and block phishing emails before they reach your inbox.
  • Set up security policies: Establish clear security policies and protocols for handling sensitive information and requests.
  • Raise awareness: Encourage a culture of security awareness within your organization, so everyone remains vigilant against potential threats.

10. Zero-day exploits

Zero-day exploits are attacks that take advantage of previously unknown vulnerabilities in software, hardware, or firmware. These vulnerabilities are called “zero-day” because developers have had zero days to address and patch the vulnerability.

Imagine finding out there’s a secret door into your house that you didnā€™t even know existed because a burglar is already inside. These exploits are particularly dangerous because they can be used to execute a variety of malicious activities, from data theft to taking complete control of affected systems.

In 2021, a significant zero-day exploit targeting Microsoft Exchange Server was discovered, affecting thousands of organizations globally. Named “Hafnium,” the attack group exploited four zero-day vulnerabilities to access email accounts, steal data, and deploy additional malware.

What are the symptoms of zero-day exploits?

Signs that your system might be targeted by or suffering from a zero-day exploit can be subtle and hard to detect but might include:

  • Unexpected crashes or system reboots
  • Unexplained changes in system performance
  • Detection of unknown files or unusual network activity
  • Spike in error messages or event logs
  • Alerts from security software about suspicious activities

How to protect your site from zero-day exploits?

While zero-day exploits are particularly challenging to guard against due to their nature, you can implement certain measures to enhance your security:

  1. Keep software up-to-date: Regularly update all software, firmware, and hardware to minimize the window of vulnerability once patches are released. Often, attacks are chained to inflict maximum damage. So perhaps a zero-day may not be very critical, but thanks to another pre-existing vulnerability in out-of-date software, the damages are astronomical.
  2. Employ advanced security tools: Use advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS) and endpoint protection tools that can identify and mitigate zero-day threats. Invest in firewalls like MalCare that are not only reactive to discovered vulnerabilities but fortify websites against undiscovered attacks as well.Ā 
  3. Adopt a multi-layered security approach: Implement multiple layers of security controls such as firewalls, encryption, user authentication, and network segmentation.
  4. Educate employees: Train employees to recognize phishing attempts and understand basic security hygiene to lower the risk of inadvertently enabling an exploit.
  5. Regularly back up data: Maintain regular backups of critical data to ensure you can restore systems in case of an attack. Use BlogVault to automatically take full backups of your site and store them securely offsite.Ā 
  6. Engage in threat intelligence: Stay informed about the latest security threats and zero-day vulnerabilities through threat intelligence services and security advisories.

How to protect your site against website hacks?

Securing your website is crucial to safeguard your data, maintain user trust, and protect against various types of cyber attacks. Whether you are a website owner/admin or a developer, there are essential practices you can implement to enhance your site’s security. Hereā€™s how you can keep your website safe from hacking attempts:

As a website owner/admin

  • Use MalCare for its robust security features.
  • Deploy a Web Application Firewall (WAF).
  • Use strong, unique passwords.
  • Implement HTTPS by getting and installing an SSL certificate.
  • Limit login attempts to prevent brute-force attacks.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
  • Add CAPTCHA to forms and login pages.
  • Harden your website by following security best practices.
  • Take regular backups of your site.
  • Use trusted form plugins only.
  • Regularly update your CMS core, plugins, and themes to plug vulnerabilities.
  • Remove unused themes and plugins.
  • Host your site with a secure hosting provider.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to distribute traffic.
  • Limit file uploads to reduce risk.
  • Regularly monitor site logs for suspicious activity.
  • Encourage users to connect only to secured networks.
  • Educate users about social engineering tactics and encourage them to report any suspicious activities.
  • Ensure that users, applications, and processes have the minimum level of access necessary to perform their tasks.

As a website developer

  • Use prepared statements and parameterized queries to protect against SQL injections.
  • Sanitize user inputs to remove malicious data.
  • Set strong file permissions to restrict access.
  • Restrict database access permissions to the minimum required.
  • Add Content Security Policy (CSP) and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) headers to your site using plugins.
  • Escape output to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Set cookies to HTTPOnly, Secure, and SameSite attributes.
  • Validate inputs to prevent malicious data.
  • Validate referrer headers to verify request origins.
  • Enforce user authentication and require re-authentication for sensitive actions.
  • Implement rate limiting to control request frequency.
  • Use load balancers to distribute traffic and reduce server load.

What is the impact of website hacks?

Website hacks can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only the website itself but also its users, business operations, and reputation. Here are some potential impacts of a cyber attack that can help underline the importance of robust security measures:

  • Data theft: Hacks can lead to the theft of sensitive data, including personal information, financial details, and proprietary business information. Stolen data can be sold on the dark web, leading to identity theft and financial fraud.
  • Financial losses: Cyber attacks can result in significant financial losses due to downtime, recovery costs, legal fines, and loss of business. For example, a 2019 study by IBM found that the average cost of a data breach was $3.92 million.
  • Reputation damage: A hacked website can severely damage a company’s reputation and erode customer trust. Users may be hesitant to return, leading to a loss of business and a decline in customer loyalty.
  • Operational disruption: Website hacks can disrupt business operations, causing downtime and preventing users from accessing services. They can load server resources, making your website slow, unresponsive, or even unavailable. For e-commerce websites, even a few hours of downtime can result in substantial revenue loss.
  • Legal and regulatory consequences: Data breaches can lead to legal actions and regulatory penalties, especially with laws like GDPR and CCPA that mandate the protection of user data. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines.
  • SEO penalties: Search engines may flag or blacklist your site if it is found to contain malware or compromised content, leading to a drop in search rankings. This can significantly impact your online visibility and traffic.
  • Spread of malware: A compromised website can be used to spread malware to users who visit the site, turning it into a launchpad for further attacks. This can damage not only your site but also affect the broader internet community.
  • Customer support overload: After a hack, your customer support team may be overwhelmed with complaints and requests for help from affected users. This can strain resources and divert attention from other important tasks.

Final thoughts

Website security isn’t just about setting things up and forgetting about them. It’s an ongoing battle where you need to stay vigilant and proactive. Whether you’re guarding against brute force attacks or fending off zero-day exploits, each type of hack requires its own set of defenses. Regular updates, strong passwords, and continuous monitoring can go a long way in reducing your risks. Adding layers like firewalls, malware scanners, and security plugins can further bolster your defenses, making it much harder for cyber attackers to break through.

While it might sound overwhelming, you don’t have to do it alone. Security plugins like MalCare can simplify the process significantly. MalCare offers robust security features like real-time malware scanning, firewall protection, and one-click malware removal. It’s a comprehensive solution that can handle a lot of the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of managing your website.


What is a website hack?

A website hack is an unauthorized intrusion into a website’s server, database, or web application, typically carried out by malicious actors aiming to disrupt operations, steal sensitive data, or cause other harm. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in the websiteā€™s code, server configuration, or underlying infrastructure to gain access and execute their malicious activities.

How do hackers hack?

Hackers use a variety of techniques to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to websites, systems, and networks. These techniques include exploiting weak passwords, SQL injection, XSS, phishing, malware installation, using backdoors, exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, and more.

How many hackers hack a day?

It’s challenging to pinpoint the exact number of hackers hacking per day, but the scale of cyber activity is immense. Automated tools and bots conduct millions of attack attempts daily, targeting websites and systems worldwide. For instance, Wordfence reports blocking over 5 billion malicious requests to websites in a single month. Organizations face an average of 925 cyber attacks per week, according to a 2021 Check Point report. The prevalence of credential stuffing, phishing, and data breaches further highlights that hackers are relentlessly active, exploiting vulnerabilities and seeking unauthorized access around the clock.

How many websites are hacked per day?

Estimating the exact number of websites hacked per day is complex due to the vast and dynamic nature of cyber threats. However, various reports and statistics provide insight into the scale of the issue. According to a 2020 report from Sophos, around 30,000 websites are hacked daily. Additionally, Google flags approximately 10,000 websites a day for hosting malware, indicating widespread vulnerabilities and attacks. This highlights the critical need for robust security measures to protect websites from being compromised.


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